Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6, 2010 (Day 2)

Block H (2-4) English 11

The groups presented the Martian Invasion plans. There were some interesting ideas but not a whole lot of deep thought exhibited overall. Please take the time to think carefully about these little assignments. It'll be helpful in the long run of this unit.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Have the balance of your journal entry/letters done.

Block F (2-2) English 8

You had this class to rehearse and prepare your Reader's Theatre presentation for Monday's performance.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Have your props/costumes ready and be well-rehearsed for Monday's performance.

Block E (2-1) English 8

You had this class to rehearse and prepare your Reader's Theatre presentation for Monday's performance.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Have your props/costumes ready and be well-rehearsed for Monday's performance.

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