Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19, 2010 (Day 1)

Block D (1-4) Socials 10

We looked at the BC Treaty Process today. You took notes.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Research the timeline for the Nisga'a People's treaty negotiation.

Block C (1-3) English 11

You did a quick free-write, turning a fairy-tale or nursery rhyme into a news story. Then you had the rest of the class to complete a short-story outline and draft.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Complete the outline and draft for your short story, revise the draft and then type and print a good copy.

Block B (1-2) English 9

We worked on sensory adjectives today - descriptor words that appeal to the physical senses.
You wrote a quick sensory poem for me before the end of class.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Write another sensory poem on a different topic than you did in class.

Block A (1-1) English 9

We worked on sensory adjectives today - descriptor words that appeal to the physical senses.
You wrote a quick sensory poem for me before the end of class.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Write another sensory poem on a different topic than you did in class.

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