Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010 (Day 1)

Block D (1-4) Socials 10

In preparation for the May 13th test, we reviewed specific individuals and terms that were significant to this last unit.

Block C (1-3) English 11

Groups met again to complete the Martian Invasion Reaction Plan.
You were able to present most of Parts 1-3 today. Nice work.

Block B (1-2) English 9

You took notes on Poetry Terms today. We got to the end of the "E"s.

Block A (1-3) English 9

You took notes on Poetry Terms today. We got to the "I"s.

FOR NEXT CLASS: We will be seeing the school production of Lady Dracula. Please do not bring any bags to class but DO come and meet in Portable 5 at the beginning of Engaged Reading WITH A BOOK. Asia and Michael, I still need your $4.

And while we were in school today, the folks at Science World in Vancouver got a visit from a grey whale....

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