Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14, 2010 (Day 2)

Block H (2-4) English 11

In groups you discussed the effects of the media on the public, what legitimate news is compared to hype, and why media often chooses to create hype.
You started a free-write on a short story based on a real-life news report.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Turn on a news broadcast AT THE START of the show. Record (write down) the first three headlines reported and categorize them as legitimate or hype. Note the channel and time of the broadcast.

Block F (2-2) English 8

We looked at proverbs from all over the world today. You spent some time, individually and in groups, discussing what they mean.

1) Finish interpreting the 40 proverbs on the list.
2) Select 3-5 proverbs from the list that you feel that you understand well and on which you think you could write a story.
3) Bring the 3 stories and/or poems you were supposed to bring today to class.

Block E (2-1) English 8

We looked at proverbs from all over the world today. You spent some time, individually and in groups, discussing what they mean. You had 15 minutes at the end to free-write a story which demonstrates one of them.

1) Bring the 3 stores and/or poems you were supposed to bring today to class.
2) Finish interpreting the 40 proverbs if you haven't already.

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