Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18, 2010 (Day 2)

Block H (2-4) English 11

You had a free-write period today to finish up your drafts of the news --> short story assignment. You were given a Freytag's Pyramid outline to help. Story drafts should be 5-10 pages, hand-written, double-spaced.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Complete the Pyramid outline and the draft. Revise and type up (and print) a good copy of the story. Outline, draft AND good copy must all be handed in together.

Block F (2-2) English 8

You had today's class to get started on your proverb story drafts. Story drafts should be 3-5 pages, hand-written, double-spaced. There should be one half-page, hand-drawn illustration (fine-lined and coloured) for EACH hand-written page of story.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Complete your draft. Revise and type up (and print) a good copy INCORPORATING the illustrations into the good copy. Draft and illustrated good copy must all be handed in together.

Block E (2-1) English 8

You had today's class to finish your proverb story drafts. Story drafts should be 3-5 pages, hand-written, double-spaced. There should be one half-page, hand-drawn illustration (fine-lined and coloured) for EACH hand-written page of story.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Complete your draft. Revise and type up (and print) a good copy INCORPORATING the illustrations into the good copy. Draft and illustrated good copy must all be handed in together.

Prize to the first student who names IN ORDER all the sitcoms the guys below are singing the theme songs of. Your parents might be helpful. I said "might".

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