Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9, 2009 (Day 2)

Block E (2-1) English 8

You wrote your literary devices quiz.
We went over note-taking techniques.
You spent the last fifteen minutes of class surveying various poets and their work.

No homework for the long weekend! Gobble, gobble!

Block F (2-2) English 8

You wrote your literary devices quiz.
We went over note-taking techniques.
You spent the last fifteen minutes of class surveying various poets and their work.

No homework for the long weekend! Gobble, gobble!

Block H (2-4) English 11

Your essays were due in.
You surveyed six novels for the upcoming Literature Circle unit. That took the whole class.

Happy Turkey Day!

1 comment:

Albert said...

I think it will be a lot more helpful if you actually check over our drafts.

Believe it or not, our 'peers' are generally on the same level as us,so we can't make a huge improvement over the draft (other than spelling mistakes). If we make a critical mistake in how we write our essay, it will probably remain in our good copy draft.

It would help a lot of us instead of throwing us a writing assignment, telling us to mark it ourselves or among ourselves, and handing in a final assignment and expect it to be perfect.