Thursday, October 29, 2009

October 29, 2009 (Day 2)

Block E (2-1) English 8

You were treated to a lesson taught by Ms. Brown today! You learned about looking at music lyrics as forms of poetry. You did analyses on different songs by thinking about your initial impressions, paraphrasing the lyrics, and looking for poetic devices in the lyrics. Well done by all! Tomorrow is Ms. Brown's last day at McRoberts until February so be sure to say hi and thanks to her in the hall!

FOR NEXT CLASS: Ms. Brown gave you a little homework assignment. These are due into ME on Monday (no exceptions!) The steps are:
1) Pick a song you like
2) Find the lyrics to the song and print them out
3) Analyze the lyrics using the handout Ms. Brown gave you today.

Block F (2-2) English 8

You were treated to a lesson taught by Ms. Brown today! You learned about looking at music lyrics as forms of poetry. You did analyses on different songs by thinking about your initial impressions, paraphrasing the lyrics, and looking for poetic devices in the lyrics. Well done by all! Tomorrow is Ms. Brown's last day at McRoberts until February so be sure to say hi and thanks to her in the hall!

FOR NEXT CLASS: Ms. Brown gave you a little homework assignment. These are due into ME on Monday (no exceptions!) The steps are:
1) Pick a song you like
2) Find the lyrics to the song and print them out
3) Analyze the lyrics using the handout Ms. Brown gave you today.

Block H (2-4) English 11

You had a short quiz on analyzing fiction at the beginning of class. You had the rest of class to read your literature circle novels and write your response journals in preparation for Monday's lit circle.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Be prepared for Lit Circle #2!!

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