Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, 2010 (Day 1)

BLOCK ROTATION TODAY!!! Anyone one else muddled?

Block C (1-3) English 11

We worked on glossing the King Jr. speech for rhetorical appeals and literary devices.
We went to the library computer lab and watched a video of Martin Luther King Jr. giving the "I Have a Dream" speech, noting the audience reactions. We then watched the Severn Suzuki speech to the UN Earth Summit.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Complete the gloss of King Jr.'s speech and Obama's speech. Write a personal response in a short paragraph to Severn Suzuki's speech. If you were an adult delegate in that audience, how convincing would you find her?

Block D (1-4) Socials 10

We put together the Louis Riel textbooks today. Using the "Setting the Scene" chapter and your Horizons textbook, create a detailed timeline for Riel's life up until his return to Canada (Batoche). Once that is done, choose 10 major illustratable events and plan for creating a 10-panel storyboard entitled "Riel: the Early Years".

FOR NEXT CLASS: Have your timeline completed. You will have the class to work on the storyboards. Bring markers, pencil crayons, and any other materials that you think you'll need as the storyboard will be due at the end of class.

Block A (1-1) English 9

Today was an editing day for your Short Story Project. Remember, you need TWO edited drafts to hand in with your good copy on Monday, as well as your Freytag's Pyramid, pre-write, and transformative item.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Hand in your completed Short Story Project

Block B (1-2) English 9

Today was an editing day for your Short Story Project. Remember, you need TWO edited drafts to hand in with your good copy on Monday, as well as your Freytag's Pyramid, pre-write, and transformative item.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Hand in your completed Short Story Project


Unknown said...

Ms Keng, do you know if the "Macintosh HD" on a Mac is the same as "My Computer" on a PC??

Unknown said...

Just so you know, it's Alan from Block B.

Miss Keng said...

I think that's right. The HD stands for Hard Drive so that's usually what you're accessing on a PC when you go "My Computer"

Unknown said...

OK, Thanks!