Friday, January 29, 2010

January 29, 2010 (Day 2)

Block H (2-4) English 11

We looked over Obama's speech one. last. time. (!) and then went to the computer lab to watch the video.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Find a video of Obama's State of the Union Address 2010 and compare it to the Inaugural Address in terms of tone, style, persuasiveness.

Block E (2-1) English 8

You handed in your Hero projects and we watched the pilot episode of the tv show "Chuck" which has examples of the Hero's Journey.
Oh, and "Shaun the Sheep".

FOR NEXT CLASS: Bring your "A" game for Miss Brown, please!

Block F (2-2) English 8

You handed in your Hero projects and we watched the pilot episode of the tv show "Chuck" which has examples of the Hero's Journey.
Oh, and "Shaun the Sheep".

FOR NEXT CLASS: Hand in any Newspaper Worksheets you'd like to submit for bonus marks. Bring your "A" game face for Miss Brown, please!

Bonus video:

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