Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 6, 2010 (Day 1)

Block B (1-2) English 9


Block A (1-1) English 9


Block D (1-4) Socials 10

I thought we'd done the notes on Louis Riel and the Red River Resistance from the textbook. We hadn't. We did. Well, you did. Have it done before the quiz for Riel, please.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Finish the notes for pages 155 - 162 and questions 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6 on page 162.

Block C (1-3) English 11

We looked at Aristotle's Appeals in advertising and a speech.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Please DO the assignment from LAST CLASS. Find a print advertisement and write an analysis of how Aristotle's Appeals were used. THEN examine the speech and write a paragraph on WHICH ONE of the Appeals was used most effectively and how.


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