Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 2 (Sept 18)

Block E (2-1) English 8
Today, you all took part in YouthWrites 2009.  If you completed this before the end of class, you worked on your original myths.

FOR NEXT CLASS (which is SEPTEMBER 29th!!!): 
You must have a complete first draft of your original myth ready for editing and three good copy illustrations for your story.

Block F (2-2) English 8
Today, you all took part in YouthWrites 2009.  If you completed this before the end of class, you worked on your original myths.

FOR NEXT CLASS (which is SEPTEMBER 29th!!!): 
You must have a complete first draft of your original myth ready for editing and three good copy illustrations for your story.

Block H (2-4) English 11
Today, you all took part in YouthWrites 2009.  If you completed this before the end of class, you worked on a TP-CASTT analysis of "In Flanders Fields".  Well, in theory, you did.

FOR NEXT CLASS: come prepared to do some in-depth TP-CASTT analysis... :D

FOR CLASS ON SEPT 24: complete a TP-CASTT analysis of "In Flanders Fields", paraphrase section 5 of "The Hollow Men"

Ever feel like you needed a change?


Unknown said...

Hi Miss Keng! It's Dawn from Block F. :)

Unknown said...

Hey Miss Keng, I'm Sherry Lai from Block E!

c o d y . e x e | said...

Hi Miss Keng, I'm Cody Zhong from Block A.