Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sept 29 (Day 2)

Block E (2-1) English 8
We reviewed the C.O.P.S. editing strategy.  You partnered up and edited each other's myths, finishing up with a Hamburger Statement.  Then you re-edited your own work.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Good copy of your myth WITH pictures, draft AND organizer.

Block F (2-2) English 8
We reviewed the C.O.P.S. editing strategy.  You partnered up and edited each other's myths, finishing up with a Hamburger Statement.  Then you re-edited your own work.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Good copy of your myth WITH pictures, draft AND organizer.

Block H (2-4) English 11
We introduced the Twelve Questions of Poetry Analysis and took a look at how an example of poetry analysis (yellow sheet) answers those questions.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Finish glossing the analytical essay on "The Hollow Men" on the yellow sheet.  Choose one of the poems you have done a TP-CASTT analysis of to focus on for your analytical essay. Try to answer the Twelve Questions in relation to your choice.

Our heroes only change faces...

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