Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 1 (Sept 28)

Block A (1-1) English 9

Today, you turned in your vocabulary lists from Chapters 1-3. We read Chapter 4 and you began your "Compare People" worksheet, using Virgil Tibbs as one character and choosing two others from the novel.

FOR NEXT CLASS: continue reading your Independent Novel. You should try to have it done (if you haven't already finished reading it) by the end of this week.

Block B (1-2) English 9

Today, you turned in your vocabulary lists from Chapters 1-3. We read Chapter 4 and you began your "Compare People" worksheet, using Virgil Tibbs as one character and choosing two others from the novel.

FOR NEXT CLASS: continue reading your Independent Novel. You should try to have it done (if you haven't already finished reading it) by the end of this week.

Block C (1-3) English 11

Today, you turned in your TP-CASTT analyses for the three Canadian war poems. We introduced the Twelve Questions of Poetry Analysis and took a look at how an example of poetry analysis (yellow sheet) answers those questions.

FOR NEXT CLASS: choose one of the poems you have done a TP-CASTT analysis of to focus on for your analytical essay. Try to answer the Twelve Questions in relation to your choice.

Block D (1-4) Social Studies 10

Presentations for groups 1, 3, and 4. Group 4 will finish up next class and Group 2 will have their go at it. Reports are due in to me Friday, beginning of class.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Bring your own book/material for Engaged Reading.

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