Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 1 (Sept 15)

Block A (1-1) English 9
You completed character maps of your independent novel's protagonist and a secondary character (in most cases, the antagonist) and handed the maps and your character stats in.
We read Chapter 1 of In the Heat of the Night and you began a character sketch of Sam Wood. Ten vocabulary words were listed.

FOR NEXT DAY, write a description of your independent novel's setting. It should provide a specific WHEN and WHERE as well as describing the setting in physical detail.

Block B (1-2) English 9
We finished reading Chapter 1 of In the Heat of the Night and you began a character sketch of Sam Wood. You drew and handed in a picture of the crime scene. Ten vocabulary words were listed.
You completed character maps of your independent novel's protagonist and a secondary character (in most cases, the antagonist) and handed the maps and your character stats in.

FOR NEXT DAY, write a description of your independent novel's setting. It should provide a specific WHEN and WHERE as well as describing the setting in physical detail.

Block C (1-3) English 11
We went over the steps of TP-CASTT poetry analysis. We were in the computer lab for most of the class where you needed to find THREE war poems, their poets, the war referenced and the poets' involvement with the war.

FOR NEXT DAY, bring print-outs of your three poems and ONE completed TP-CASTT analysis.

Block D (1-4) Socials 10
Computer lab work period on Cross-Canada group projects. Next block will be a work period, POSSIBLY in a computer lab. Please bring all materials to class. Meet in Portable 5 for ER and attendance.

Presentations will be on Monday, September 21, and Wednesday, September 23
Reports are due on Monday, September 28

Mind your manners, eh?


donald said...

Hi Miss Keng,I'm Donald from block f.

colby said...

Hey miss Keng its colby im from blok f

Hayhay said...

hi miss keng, its hayley mcmillan from block e (:

Hilary Li said...

Hi Miss Keng. This is Hilary Li from Block E