Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, 2009 (Day 2)

MARKS CUTOFF for Miss Keng's classes: Nov 27

Block E (2-1) English 8

We looked at the poem,"In Flanders Fields" by Dr. John McCrae. You wrote a short letter to him, sharing your thoughts about his poem and about Remembrance Day.

Block F (2-2) English 8

We looked at the poem,"In Flanders Fields" by Dr. John McCrae. You wrote a short letter to him, sharing your thoughts about his poem and about Remembrance Day.

Block H (2-4) English 11

You were given the timeline for the rest of the classes this month:
Nov 13 - Lit Circle #3 (worth 15%)
Nov 17 - short class due to P-T interviews - we'll be looking at persuasive essay requirements
Nov 19 - planning class for in-class essay assessment
Nov 23 - Lit Circle #4 (worth 20%)
Nov 25 - In-class essay (worth 30%) This is a Wednesday so it'll be a shortened class. However, since block rotation will place the class before lunch, I will give you the option of writing into the lunch hour.
Nov 27 - Response journals and adaptation projects are due. No extensions. No grace period. This is the marks cut-off deadline.

Today was a reading and reading response journal day.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Literature Circle #3

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