Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 6, 2010 (Day 1)

Block C (1-3) English 11

Block D (1-4) Socials 10

Arts and Crafts Day!! You were given four train cars with which to create a metaphorical representation of the CPR in Canada. You were to decorate and populate the locomotive with the driving forces (people, events, etc) in the creation of the CPR, the fuel(coal) car with the materials and people needed to build it, the passenger car with those who benefitted and the freight car with the individuals/groups/things that suffered in its creation.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Create, decorate and populate a caboose (that's the last car in a train :) which represents the legacy of the CPR. It can be any shape, decorated with words, images, phrases, names, etc of your choice and reasoning. The car should fill half a sheet of letter sized paper. ALSO, please bring your art supplies. Scissors, glue, felts and/or pencil crayons.

Block A (1-1) English 9

We were in the library for a class of "musical books".

FOR NEXT CLASS: Write a one-page (double-spaced) proposal or summary of what your final journey writing piece will be on. This is a trip that you took to a destination outside of British Columbia OR which involved a longer than two week period of time (for example, a month at the cabin). Your summary should include the who, where, when and why as well as several (three or more) activities/adventures/incidents which occurred in the planning, travel or return.

Block B (1-2) English 9

We were in the library for a class of "musical books". You had a chance to read FOUR different travel writers and record your responses to them.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Write a one-page (double-spaced) proposal or summary of what your final journey writing piece will be on. This is a trip that you took to a destination outside of British Columbia OR which involved a longer than two week period of time (for example, a month at the cabin). Your summary should include the who, where, when and why as well as several (three or more) activities/adventures/incidents which occurred in the planning, travel or return.

A little school-appropriate train-spotting....

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