Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009 (Day 1)

Block B (1-2) English 9

You got into your Literature Circle groups and decided on three stories from your anthologies to discuss over this unit. Once those were decided and submitted, you had the rest of class to read and write your response journal for the story. Don't forget you need to also bring 5 "BIG" discussion questions to the group next class.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Have your response journal completed, bring 5 Big Qs and a completed Freytag's Pyramid to your Lit Circle.

Block A (1-1) English 9

You got into your Literature Circle groups and decided on three stories from your anthologies to discuss over this unit. Once those were decided and submitted, you had the rest of class to read and write your response journal for the story. Don't forget you need to also bring 5 "BIG" discussion questions to the group next class.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Have your response journal completed, bring 5 Big Qs and a completed Freytag's Pyramid to your Lit Circle.

Block D (1-4) Socials 10

We started the Chapter 4 today. You completed an organizer comparing and contrasting the Northwest Company and the Hudson's Bay Company. Questions 1 - 3 on pg 134 were assigned and you handed in 1 and 2 at the end of class with the organizer.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Complete an advertisement for recruiting workers for the Northwest Company on the index card you were given.

Block C (1-3) English 11

You read the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" and took notes comparing the characters of Rainsford and Gen Zaroff. You completed an outline and handed that in at the end of class. Well, most of you did. You were issued your copy of Billy Bishop Goes to War.

FOR NEXT CLASS: Complete the outline for the comparison essay if you didn't before the end of class. Begin reading Billy Bishop.

29 years ago today, John Lennon was shot dead outside his New York City apartment building.

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