Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, 2009 (Day 2)

Block F (2-2) English 8

You handed in your good copy news articles. After reading the paper for fifteen minutes, we took a quiz and discovered that we only absorb about 20% of the news presented.
Advertisements were the focus of today's class. We compiled a list of 15 advertising techniques and then examined the ads in the paper for these techniques.

Finally, you drafted an ad for a "widget". Using the techniques discussed, your assignment is to sell the widget WITHOUT ever explaining what it is or what it does! Just create an ad that would make the reader want to buy it. :)

FOR NEXT CLASS: Good copy of the widget ad.

Block E (2-1) English 8

We watched the Drama 9/10 Class Acts today.

FOR NEXT CLASS: draft a 1 or 2 paragraph review on the show.

Block H (2-4) English 11

We continued watching Passchendaele today. You took notes on the role of setting in addition to character development today.


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